Dhawaan, shirkadeena ayaa heshay mashruuc. Qalabka macaamiisha ee mashruucan waa foorno kala-jaad ah oo heerkul ah oo leh 1300 ° C. hore, gaaska ayaa la soo saaray oo uu ka dhigay in uu cabbiro oksijiinta oksijiinta. Because the temperature and pressure of the pumped gas have changed, the measured oxygen content is not the real-time oxygen content in the furnace, and the product quality cannot be controlled based on this oxygen content data.
. Our company specially designed and customized the oxygen probe connecting parts for the customer, without changing the original state of the furnace, which can not only meet the oxygen probe installation requirements, but also retain the original observation hole. The customer is very satisfied with our company's scheme design ability and product performance.
Waqtiga Post: Sep-24-2024