- Faahfaahinta Codsiga ee N32-FZSX ee Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Spenezer waa wax soo saar qaab dhismeedka isku dhafan. It can be widely used in the detection of oxygen content in the combustion process of various industries such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, and incineration. The Nernst N32-FZSX integrated oxygen analyzer can directly monitor the oxygen content in the flue gas of boilers, sintering furnaces, heating furnaces, etc. during or after combustion. Technical characteris...
Nernst n2032 oksijiin falanqaynta
Laba-geesood oxygen falanjaasy: Hal falanqeeye oo leh laba baaritaan ayaa badbaadin kara qarashaadka rakibaadda iyo wanaajinta isku halaynta.